A Work In Progress

Nov 2, 2014

Like 99% of designers/developers I’ve been wanting to update my website for some time… However, like 89% of designers/developers I’ve just not had the time to do it due to work, sleep and life getting in the way.

I find that I only seem to have small chunks of time spare, dotted here and there and fairly rarely, so to get anything fully formed finished and live in would months…. And I’d probably hate it by the end and want to re-design again.

So, my solution… Don’t get try to get anything fully formed finished.

At the moment, I think I’m on the fifth(?) version of this site. The first version was just as a single html document with no styling. The second had some very basic css, the third had my latest tweet and instagram shot, the fouth didnt look very different at all but hosting was moved over to github and jekyll and by the time this post is live it will be the fifth variation which now includes posts.

So… If you have stumbled upon this site, the next time you come back, it will more than likely look a little different.

